Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oprah Rant

First of all, I should say that I am Oprah fan. I've been watching her show for years and even got a subscription to O magazine last year. But her show yesterday really pissed me off. She had as her guests Ted Haggard and his wife (I forget her first name, so I'll just call her Mrs. H). Well, Mrs. H has written a book about why she stayed with Mr. H after she found out that he'd lied about having an intimate relationship with another man. (The book, in fact, is called Why I Stayed.)

During the interview, Oprah made a smart ass comment implying that the reason Mrs. H stayed was because she was dependent and weak, and Mrs. H's decision was something that Oprah, in all her OPRAH-ness, would never do. I loved Mrs. H's comeback. She made it clear that she is a strong, independent woman who knows how to take care of herself and she chose to love her husband.

Even though Oprah says she's not judging, she so obviously is. Just because she doesn't understand that kind of unconditional love and forgiveness, doesn't mean that it's not real. I applaud Mrs. H for not letting anger and bitterness win in this situation. Oprah talks all this stuff about God and being a light to the world, but I wonder if that's all a bunch of hooey. What kind of light are you shining if you support divorce over reconciliation? Can anybody say "hypocrisy"?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lazy Sundays

I love Sundays because they are the only day of the week when I don't have somewhere I have to be or something I have to be doing. It's my day to do whatever I want.

Today I chose to sleep in and watch an old Hollywood classic, Breakfast at Tiffany's. I loved it! It had everything a girl could want in a movie - a beautiful backdrop in NYC, beautiful clothes, beautiful men, laughter, tears, romance, heartbreak. A 1960s version of Sex and the City. But classier. No cursing, no nudity, but still a very adult movie.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Hair Daze

Around the beginning of last year I decided to go back to my roots and stop wearing a relaxer in my hair. Most people can tell you the exact date that they did the Big Chop, but all I know is that it was in February or March of 2009. However, I can tell you the feelings I had as I watched big clumps of my hair fall into the sink. At first, scared, as in What the heck am I doing?! Then excited, then exhilarated. I remember smiling and laughing as I watched my natural curls emerge in the mirror. Since going natural, I've never felt so free. I know I will never go back to relaxing my hair.

Finding a routine that works for my hair has been an adventure. I've been watching natural hair videos on Youtube like crazy, along with daily visits to curlyniki.com. It was on Youtube that I learned about Curly Girl: The Handbook by Lorraine Massey. Right now, I'm trying the Curly Girl Method and loving it. I'm still searching for a good moisturizer for my hair, though. So far, the Carol's Daughter products I've tried have been less than stellar. Unrefined shea butter mixed with coconut oil seems to work for a lot of people, so that's next on my agenda. I'll keep you posted on how it works out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

No, This Is Not a Food Blog

So here's why I chose the name Dee's Deli. "Dee" is a tribute to my mother. (Her full name was Cordelia, Dee for short.) And "Deli" is because there's a lot of stuff on the menu at a delicatessen, and I'm gonna be discussing a lot of different things on my blog - my faith, fashion, natural hair, weight, books, movies, whatever I'm feeling on a particular day, etc.

Welcome, and I hope you enjoy!